The National Trust is supported by its network of committees and regional Branches.
Expandable list section
Aboriginal Advisory Committee
The National Trust of Australia (Victoria’s) Aboriginal Advisory Committee facilitates the involvement of Aboriginal peoples in the custodianship and interpretation of their heritage in order to recognise and respect Aboriginal culture and heritage, towards building a mutual understanding of our shared heritage and reconciliation. This Committee reviews NTAV policies that concern Aboriginal Cultural Heritage (ICH) (including but not limited to education, interpretation, access, inclusion, collections and publications), assists the NTAV Board in setting strategic direction for the involvement of Aboriginal peoples in the custodianship and interpretation of their heritage, and reviews the implementation of the Reconciliation Action Plan and provides feedback/recommendations to Senior Management.
Collections & Programming Committee
The National Trust of Australia (Victoria’s) Collections & Programming Committee advises the NTAV Board on the preparation and implementation of strategic frameworks and policies for the effective development, management and interpretation of the NTAV’S collections and properties in line with best practice in education, heritage and museum practices. This Committee makes recommendations to the Board on the acquisition and deaccessioning of collection items in accordance with the National Trust Collection policy, reviews the National Trust Collection Policies, Statements of Significance and Property Interpretation Plans, provides direction for curatorial and collections priorities, reviews National Trust policies that concern education, interpretation, access, social inclusion and lifelong learning, and serves as an expert resource for National Trust staff on matters relating to the development and management of the National Trust’s collection.
Governance & Risk Committee
The National Trust of Australia (Victoria’s) Governance & Risk Committee advises NTAV Directors and Senior Management of appropriate governance practices, providing support to competently fulfil their roles & responsibilities with regards to best practice governance. This Committee makes recommendations to the Board on the appointment of members of the Board and Expert Committees to ensure the provisions of the NT Constitution and other relevant documents are met,(to achieve an appropriate balance of skills, expertise, gender, and diversity), and furthermore, assists Directors in fulfilling their statutory responsibilities and reporting obligations, in effect identifying matters that may affect the proper governance and administration of the Trust.
Marketing & Fundraising Committee
The National Trust of Australia (Victoria’s) Marketing & Fundraising Committee provides the organisation with input, recommendations and feedback on marketing, fundraising, brand, communication initiatives, membership, fees for service, commercial and other activities. The Committee assists the NTAV in leveraging all components of its overall brand, marketing, commercial and fundraising strategies to help to achieve targets set out in the strategic plan and maximize the return on marketing, commercial and fundraising investment, while acting acts in an advisory capacity to the NTAV and its Board by guiding relevant initiatives for the NTAV, in order to help ensure its long-term viability. Furthermore, the Committee acts as a forum for the consideration and discussion of key marketing, sponsorship, fundraising, membership, commercial and communication issues, which sees it review new proposals, strategies and business plan initiatives and assists the NTAV in the fostering of relationship with other agencies involved in heritage, conservation and related activities, including state and federal government.
Building & Estates Committee
The National Trust of Australia (Victoria’s) Building & Estates Committee makes strategic and policy recommendations to the NTAV Board directed to maximizing the potential of the Trust’s property and land asset portfolio, as to ensure the appropriate conservation & development of NTAV sites in line with best practice. This Committee has been responsible for creation of the ‘Strategic Policy for National Trust of Australia (Victoria) Properties’, which adapts to the legislative/policy changes impacting on management and change of cultural heritage, and governs our management, protection and conservation of the heritage assets within our portfolio
Finance & Audit Committee
The National Trust of Australia (Victoria’s) Finance & Audit Committee provides counsel to Directors & Senior Managers on management accounting, cash flows, funding requirements, budgeting, risk and financial performance. This Committee is responsible for overseeing and appraising the quality of the audits conducted by the external auditors and confirms/recommends yearly audit assessments to the NTAV Board, and serves as an objective party to evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of the Trust’s financial management reporting systems, and to review statutory financial reports presented to and by the Board to the membership.
Heritage Advocacy Committee
The National Trust of Australia (Victoria’s) Heritage Advocacy Committee advises the Board and organisation on matters relating to cultural heritage, and supports the implementation of strategic frameworks and policies for the effective conservation and advocacy of indigenous, natural and historic heritage across Victoria in line with best practice. This Committee assists the Advocacy Manager in setting strategic directions for heritage advocacy, reviews Advocacy Position Statements on key issues and makes recommendations to the Board, reviews NTAV conservation & advocacy policies, and provides strategic advice and input on heritage issues including, place-based campaigns, policy review and reform, and any heritage advocacy issue that may arise in response to issues that occur in the course of the operations of the Advocacy Team.
Joint Committee
The National Trust of Australia (Victoria’s) Joint Committee provides the opportunity for all NTA(V) Expert Committees to review, strategise, plan and evaluate NTA(V) work against the strategic plan, to ensure that the organisation and its Committees are working together. This Committee assists the NTAV with the review of its yearly strategic activity in line with the current Strategic Policy, with the Directors appointed to each committee bringing forth the recommendations/feedback/updates from their Committee’s work, and their review of current NTAV policies/activities. Furthermore, this Committee acts as an expert community for the organisation and the individuals on each committee, as they meet socially at least once a year to discuss each Committee’s work and strengthen the NTAV’s Committee network.