Past Projects
Melbourne Metro Rail Project
Since planning for the Melbourne Metro Rail Project began in 2014, the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) has been advocating for cultural and environmental heritage to be a key consideration in planning for the project.
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Suburban Modern Campaign
From Bendigo to Beaumaris, Melbourne’s Marvellous Modernism is under threat. The National Trust lead the fight to protect our gems of mid-century modernism.
In 2014, the National Trust published “Melbourne’s Marvellous Modernism: A Comparative Analysis of Post-War Modern Architecture in Melbourne’s CBD 1955 -1975.” This comprehensive survey informs our advocacy for post-war heritage in the heart of Melbourne.
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Federation Square
The National Trust advocated for the architectural, aesthetic, historic, and social heritage values of Federation Square to guide any future change at the site, and for all planning to be open and transparent.
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2020 Heritage Futures Forum
In February 2020, the National Trust hosted the Heritage Futures Forum in partnership with Business Models Inc, with the simple intention of convening a discussion around ‘heritage’ and to explore potential future ‘worlds’ in which heritage plays a key role in unlocking economic, environmental and social benefit.
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Our Pubs
Since the unlawful demolition of the Corkman Irish Pub in 2016, highlighted the need to protect historic pubs from inappropriate development.
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Bourke Hill Precinct
Bourke Hill, including the Parliamentary Precinct, the Windsor Hotel and the Palace Theatre was the scene of the most contentious heritage planning issues of the last decade in Melbourne
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Heritage Resources following Bushfires
Following the devastating bushfires in 2020, the National Trust developed resources to connect members and supporters, and all custodians of cultural and natural heritage places, with advice to assist with long-term conservation and restoration.
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W Class Trams
A better future for W Class Trams? The National Trust supports the maintenance, restoration and use of Melbourne’s W Class Tram fleet. Our heritage trams are iconic, and deserve to be conserved and celebrated.
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Parliamentary Inquiry into Heritage Protections
Read more about the Legislative Council’s Parliamentary 2022 Inquiry into the adequacy of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, and the National Trust’s response.
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Planning Scheme Amendments
The National Trust prepares submissions and appears at planning panels in support of planning scheme amendments to apply heritage or landscape controls to significant places. Some of the amendments we have supported in the past are documented on our blog.
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