Notice of Election
In accordance with the Constitution of the National Trust of Australia (Victoria), two Directorships will become vacant in November 2013. Retiring directors are eligible for re-election.
Nominations are invited for Directorships and must be received by the Company Secretary by 5pm on 5th October 2013 at the Registered Office of the National Trust of Australia (Victoria), Tasma Terrace, 4 Parliament Place, East Melbourne, 3002. Nomination forms are available from the Registered Office.
Each candidate is required to lodge a background summary not exceeding 100 words with their nomination. This summary should include age, academic qualifications, awards, service to the National Trust, involvement in preservation and conservation matters, offices held and date of joining the National Trust.
If a vote is required ballot papers will be sent to members for a postal ballot. The completed ballot paper must be returned by 5.00pm on 12th November 2013, addressed to the ‘Returning Officer’ at the Registered Office of the National Trust of Australia (Victoria), Tasma Terrace, 4 Parliament Place, East Melbourne 3002 in the envelope provided. The election results will be announced at the 2013 Annual General Meeting and published in the following edition of VicNews.
Close of Voting Roll
Please note that the voting roll will close at 5.00pm 7th October 2013 and only members who are financial at that time will be eligible to vote.
57th Annual General Meeting
Members are advised that the AGM will be held on at 11am on 16th November 2013 at Como House and Garden, Cnr Williams Road and Lechlade Avenue, South Yarra.