Letter from the National Trust Chairman and the Board

Dear Members and Friends,

We write to you with messages of importance and good news.

We are grateful to the membership for taking such a strong interest in the recent election of Directors. The four elected Directors are extremely committed to the work of the National Trust of Australia Victoria. They bring skills, expertise and experience that will be invaluable to the Trust’s work.

The National Trust of Australia in Victoria has built a strong financial base and an excellent range of programmes and activities. We acknowledge the effort and contribution of the former board directors and sincerely thank them for all the hard work they have done.

We intend to build on the current position and to expand our activities, advocacy and community engagement while maintaining fiscal responsibility.

Importantly, we will be drawing on the knowledge and enthusiasm of our members, volunteers and branches throughout Victoria.

We are fortunate to have strong leadership from our CEO, Martin Purslow and an energetic, knowledgeable, and dedicated team to implement our strategy for the future, as articulated in our Strategic Plan 2014-2018.

We are privileged to be directors of the National Trust of Australia Victoria. Over the forthcoming months directors will be meeting with our branches to better understand the aspirations and endeavours of our committed members and volunteers who are the foundation of our organisation.

We look forward to working with our membership, stakeholders and the wider community to continue to expand our impact in advocacy, preservation and conservation. As we approach our 60th anniversary, it is imperative that we respect the past in order to build for the future. In our 60th year we will work to support a state-wide sustainable heritage strategy.

With our warmest regards,

Kristin Stegley OAM