Get out of the office for a day or two and it can help your staff build better relationships, increase moral, productivity and reduce stress levels.
Businesses can partner up with The National Trust of Australia (VIC) in many ways:
- Team volunteering days – such as a working bees at one of the National Trust sites
- Staff can volunteer at one of our community events across Victoria
- ‘Virtual’ volunteering time via work computers, including research
- Support for skilled staff members to deliver projects or expand areas
- A staff secondment program – for example a building company could offer its staff to help out with a community building or refurbishment
- Group training and workshops – can you help teach our staff and volunteers new skills
We offer a range of one-day conservation activities for groups of 5 to 30 people, all supervised by our operations coordinators and assisted by our ongoing volunteers.
Find out more by emailing us at