Join a National Trust Branch in Victoria: Make a Difference in Your Local Community

Would you like to be a voice for heritage in your local community? Volunteer with one of our Victorian Member’s Branches and help make a difference in your local area.

What do National Trust Branches do?

Branch volunteers make an invaluable contribution by advocating for heritage in local areas. Our volunteers are on the ground monitoring local developments. They also bring along an intimate knowledge of the area they come from, including the history, ecology, and community dynamics of an area, which helps to enrich the National Trust’s advocacy work.

When you join a Branch, you can help to meaningfully and effectively preserve the heritage of your local community. The more active our Branches are, the stronger our advocacy efforts will become.

What are the benefits of joining a Branch?

National Trust Branches facilitate the participation of National Trust members in heritage advocacy work in their local area.

You’ll gain new skills and experience in conservation and advocating for heritage sites in your own neighbourhood. You’ll also get to connect with like-minded volunteers who share a passion for conservation and preservation. The Branch network in Victoria covers metropolitan Melbourne, regional and rural Victoria, providing collaboration opportunities between members across the state.

“As someone with an avid interest in history, volunteering at the National Trust allows me to immerse myself in Victoria’s rich cultural heritage. Working alongside volunteers from diverse backgrounds has given me the opportunity to work collaboratively towards our common goal of preserving our shared heritage values and striving for a more sustainable future in our continually evolving State.” – Volunteer Testimonial

Joining a Branch provides a close working relationship with National Trust Conservation & Advocacy team staff to assist you in delivering the advocacy your passionate about in your local community.

There are many opportunities open to members through engaging with your local Branch. These include:

  • Participating in events including the National Trust annual Australian Heritage Festival
  • Partnering with local government in National Trust Heritage Award schemes
  • Organising diverse activities for local members
  • Working with National Trust staff to influence local Councils to protect heritage places via their planning schemes
  • Assisting in maintaining the National Trust heritage places database by updating information about local places
  • Coordinating activities with a broad and diverse range of partners, including local historical groups, local government, and other not-for-profit groups

How involved do I have to be?

When you join, you can choose your level of involvement. Some volunteers choose to attend Branch meetings, while others get more involved by researching development submissions or collaborating with other similar organisations. We can work with you to find the level of involvement that best suits your interests and availability.

How to join a National Trust Victoria Branch

Each Branch is unique in the opportunities and activities it provides. To get in contact with your local Branch visit and search by postcode to find the Branch nearest to you.

For enquiries about joining or starting a Branch in your area contact

Guest writers


Guest writers

Writers from the National Trust community share their stories and expertise.
