nsw The National Trust (NSW) is seeking expressions of interest for a food and beverage operation at the UNESCO World Heritage site Old Government House.more
nsw The National Trust (NSW) was honoured to be a part of the NSW Heritage Forum. Held at the heritage listed Grace Hotel, the Forum brought together thought leaders in the heritage space. Keynote speaker Tim Flannery, Chief Councillor of the Climate Council, gave a thought-provoking address on the ‘urgent needmore
nsw The National Trust (NSW) is proud to launch our first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), outlining our commitment to acknowledging, understanding and valuing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage. Alongside our work with First Nations people in the communities in which our properties are situated, we recognise our responsibility to inspiremore
nsw The National Trust (NSW) is seeking expressions of interest for a food and beverage operation at the UNESCO World Heritage site Old Government House.more
nsw We've completed a year-long project to document historic items at Saumarez Homestead, providing unprecedented access to the property’s furniture, textiles, artworks and artifacts.more
nsw With the help of community volunteers, we’re undertaking vital conservation work to the bushland surrounding Marie Byles’ historic home in Cheltenham.more
nsw The National Trust (NSW) Heritage Awards is an annual celebration of outstanding practice, awarding excellence in conservation of Aboriginal, built, natural and cultural heritage. “The high quality of entries created robust discussions between the judges this year” said Matthew Devine, Chair of the National Trust Heritage Awards Jury. Devine wasmore
nsw The $500,000 restoration of UNESCO World Heritage site Old Government House is now underway, with parts of the historic Parramatta landmark undergoing significant repairs.more
nsw The NSW Government has announced two housing reforms that represent significant change to the planning system in NSW, with major impacts on heritage.more
nsw Home to our very own Miss Traill's House, Bathurst is one of NSW's most beloved regional destinations. Now, the town has been ranked fifth in the Aussie Town of the Year awards, and we couldn't agree more!more
nsw The National Trust (NSW) recognised valued volunteers and staff with the annual National Trust Honours Awards on Saturday as part of the Annual General Meeting. The awards recognise individuals who have given outstanding service to the National Trust. Congratulations and thank you to all of our winners.more
nsw Norman Lindsay's art studio in the Blue Mountains is one of Australia's most historically significant creative spaces, but now this famous art studio is in need of urgent need of repairs.more