Proposed rezoning in Parramatta North

In January 2025 a rezoning proposal for the Parramatta North Cumberland Hospital site was put on exhibition by Property and Development NSW.

The proposal outlines a massive redevelopment inside three State Heritage Registered precincts, significantly altering the current low-density, parkland setting.

The National Trust notes the following key concerns arising from this development proposal:

  • Heritage sites should have appropriate buffers. Multi-storey buildings are proposed just metres from the World Heritage nominated Female Factory and State Heritage Registered Parramatta Gaol. The National Trust notes that key heritage buildings need appropriate buffers to retain their cultural significance. We also note that the Parramatta North landscape as a whole has significant heritage value. The various sites, building and connections within Parramatta North should be appropriately considered before changes are implemented around these places.
  • The parklike setting and heritage landscape value has been significantly affected. The proposed development is spread across three State Heritage Registered precincts. The Cumberland District Hospital Group SHR listing states:The layout of the complex and the existing relationships between buildings and spaces continues to convey the organising principles upon which the different institutional uses were administered and structured. The spaces created have continuing landscape significance and aesthetic appeal…The whole site enjoys an outstanding parkland setting beside the Parramatta River. This reinforces the physical links and historical associations with neighbouring institutional and recreational facilities.
A map displaying proposed changes to North Parramatta
Massing Diagram, Urban Design Framework


The National Trust is concerned that the breakdown of these connections and the parkland setting will substantially reduce the quality of this heritage landscape. It will also result in a loss of important open green space in an increasingly dense area of the city.

  • The riparian zone should not contain buildings. The National Trust notes that while a 40m riparian zone has been proposed along the river, it will contain a number of very large buildings intruding well beyond the border. We recommend the full and authentic retention of the riparian zone as a natural landscape.
Rezoning map

The National Trust (NSW) will be voicing its concerns through a detailed submission. We will also continue to provide further detail and updates. Comments on the Parramatta North rezoning can be made on the NSW Government website. Submissions are open until 24 February 2025.

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The National Trust (NSW) has been campaigning to protect NSW’s built, cultural and natural heritage for over 75 years. Find out more about our advocacy work.

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