National Trust of Australia (NSW) Butler Bequest Grants

The National Trust of Australia (NSW) (‘the Trust’), administers the Paul William Butler Bequest which has the objective of promoting vintage and veteran cars. The Trust accepts that veteran cars must be built before the end of 1918 and vintage cars between 1919 and 1930.

Grant purpose

One of the powers of the Trust is to make grants to organisations for the following purposes:
  • The public exhibition of vintage and veteran cars in New South Wales;
  • The restoration and preservation of vintage and veteran cars for the purpose of public exhibition in New South Wales;
  • Education or research into vintage and veteran cars in New South Wales.

All organisations whose purposes align to the purposes of the grant are eligible to apply.


Applications should be relevant to the purposes set out above. Grant applications may involve or feature:
  • Activities including vintage and/or veteran cars.
  • Public exhibitions may include static displays, car rallies and other means which provide an opportunity for the community to view and engage with the exhibition.
  • Education or research may involve participation in studies or funding specific programs that will educate the community on vintage and/or veteran cars.


Grant costs

Each grant will be limited to a discretionary maximum of up to $10,000. The costs that may be covered by the grant include, but are not limited to, rally organisation costs and entrance expenses, promotion and publicity, subsidies for entrants’ expenses and training courses.


The Grant Selection Committee may, at their discretion, consider applications beyond the scope, costs and maximum application amount of $10,000. However, it is recommended that guidance should first be sought from The Trust, prior to submitting such an application.


Images (L-R): Veteran Car Club of Australia (NSW)’s National Rally – Image by Tom Kingback; Orange District Antique Motor Club’s Autumn Rally – Image by Lance Seymour; Veteran Car Club of Australia (NSW)’s National Rally – Image by Francis McDougall

Key Dates

Applications are now closed.

Applicants will be notified of the decision by the Selection Committee by the end of October 2024.

Applications for 2026 and beyond will open early 2025.



Method of Application
Applicants are required to submit a written application of at least one A4 page, but no more than four A4 pages.
The applications should include:
  • Name of applicant
  • Preferred contact details
  • Brief outline of grant application
  • How the grant relates to the purposes set out in this paper
  • Whether the activities will include historic buildings, and in particular Trust owned properties
  • Approximate timing
  • Proposed itemised budget
  • Opportunities to link to the Trust e.g. for promotion of Trust properties or membership
  • How the Trust will be publicly acknowledged should the application be successful.


Please send the application to:


Attention: The CEO
The National Trust of Australia (NSW)
Butler Bequest
GPO Box 518
Sydney NSW 2001

Key information

Click here to download a PDF guide, or toggle below for further information.


Selection Committee
The Selection Committee is constituted under the terms of the bequest and includes independent membership.
Selection Process
The Selection Committee will consider applications on their merit, having regard to the purposes of the grant as defined in the Bequest.
Outcome of Selection Process
Every applicant will be notified of the decision by the Selection Committee for their application.
Successful Applicants
Successful applicants will need to submit an invoice for the amount of the approved grant, which will be paid within 30 days from the invoice date. Within 30 days from the completion of the grant funded activity successful applicants will be required to submit a report on the outcomes including itemised income and expenditure.
Brand and Promotion
The Trust is committed to supporting the promotion of the Butler Bequest Grant, and the activities it supports, through our social media and online channels. Promotional activity and planning in collaboration with the Trust will be managed in direct liaison with the Director, Marketing and Communications. The Trust will also provide a brand pack including the logo for print and electronic use, however all promotional applications of the brand must be pre-approved by the Trust. The Trust reserves the right to request changes to promotional material where the brand has not been applied appropriately and in accordance with our guidelines.
Images: Veteran Car Club of Australia (NSW)’s National Rally – Image by Francis McDougall

Grant or application enquiries

Aly McAuliffe


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