What is bush regeneration and why is it important?

Invasive plants or 'weeds' are one of the biggest environmental problems facing Australia today. They can harm animals, water quality, agriculture, and can even impact the economy. Bush regeneration is important as its keeps our environment in a healthy state.

Numerous plants and animals in Australia today were introduced many years ago at the time of European settlement. Since then, some of the species have spread dramatically, to the point where they are damaging our environment and have become ‘invasive’. An invasive species is any kind of living organism, whether it be a plant, animal, fungus or bacteria.

The introduction of invasive species in natural areas is ranked high amongst environmental threats now facing our ecosystems. Once established, invasive species are difficult to manage and become a significant threat to biodiversity. This invasion will continue to adversely affect Australian ecosystems, native species composition, diversity, and will critically reduce the abundance of native communities.

How we help

One of our key service areas is ‘bush regeneration’ or ‘natural area restoration’, which is the process of re-establishing a natural area and improving the community of native plants and animals that have become negatively impacted by the attack of invasive species. The best environmental outcomes are achieved when restoration activities facilitate the systems’ own natural ability to sustain native regeneration without future human intervention.

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