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Need Help?
Our team of flora and fauna experts are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding your natural area restoration project, send us an email to
If you require a team of experienced bush regenerators to help you achieve the best possible outcomes for your next environmental restoration project, please email the BMS department – bms@ for a no obligation free quote.
Employment Opportunities
The National trust prides itself on being an equal opportunities employer. We are seeking to employ flied technicians with cert II or III qualification in conservation & land management. Ideal applicants will be available 5 days per week. Applicants must be passionate, hard-working, motivated and keen to learn and to share our passion for conservation work. Projects will include, bush regeneration, revegetation, noxious weed control, environmental construction, burn prep and asset protection. The majority of vacancies available will be on crews and projects located in western Sydney, however we also have vacancies on crews working on projects located throughout the greater Sydney region
If this sounds like the opportunity you have been looking for and would like to work with a highly respected organisation with a rich history in natural area conservation and restoration, please send resumes to
Bushcare is a National Program that aims to reverse the long-term decline of Australia’s native vegetation. The National Trust owns a number of bushland properties including Ahimsa in Cheltenham,Ludovic Blackwood Memorial Sanctuary in Beecroft, Stella James House in Avalon and Everglades Gardens in Leura. Three of these properties, Blackwood Sanctuary, Stella James House and Everglades Gardens contain endangered ecological communities (EEC) in NSW. One of the ways the Trust protects the bushland areas within these properties is to actively involve the local community in Bushcare projects.
We are looking for volunteers to join teams lead by a trained Supervisor. The main activity is weeding out aggressive plants such as Asparagus fern, woody and annual weeds. The Supervisor will guide volunteers through local plant identification, native fauna identification and some basic site strategies for controlling weeds and those impacts that degrade urban bushland.
How to Volunteer:
To find out more or join one of these Bushcare groups, please contact The National Trust on (02) 9258 0176 or send us an email to