12 Jul 2016
Deborah FitzGerald
The National Trust has slammed the WestConnex project as the worst in Australian history as it lays waste to the nation’s most important heritage suburb. The trust has called for the project to be stopped because of the way the demolition of heritage houses in Haberfield has proceeded. Advocacy director Graham Quint was scathing of the process the State Government had undertaken, claiming the rush to bulldoze houses had forced bad heritage outcomes. “It’s reminiscent of Queensland in the 1970s when wrecking balls were brought in and buildings were knocked down in the middle of the night,” he said. “They were aware of the residents’ distress and the calls for better consultation but they just wanted to get it done as quickly as possible to dispose of stuff quickly.” Fifty-three houses in the Haberfield Conservation Area are slated for demolition, including 20 that are heritage-listed. The trust rates the impact of this heritage destruction as “severe”.