Since October, New South Wales has faced varying degrees of bushfire danger in various regions throughout the state. The National Trust (NSW) has properties located in the north, south, west, Blue Mountains and Greater Sydney area – many of which have been faced with emergency or urgent levels of threat over the Christmas and New Year season.
To ensure we clearly communicate with our visitors, the community and the heritage and tourism sector, we are maintaining this regularly updated post to ensure people are clear on the steps we have taken at each of our properties to ensure our people and, wherever possible, our irreplaceable built and cultural heritage is safe.
Please note our only properties affected by the fires at the time of print are as follows:
Australian Wildlife Sanctuary, Bargo
Property is: Closed until further notice due to fire damage.
Follow the Facebook page for further details.
Norman Lindsay Gallery, Faulconbridge
Property is: After the recent bushfire scare, we’re happy to announce that the Norman Lindsay Gallery has now reopened and we’re looking forward to Jazz in the Garden Saturday 29 February, tickets are currently available by clicking here.