Cheryl Bates joined the National Trust in 1983 and became an Executive Committee member of the Parramatta Regional Branch in 2010. Today, she is an influential voice on heritage to local Government, on regional State Heritage Listings and in harnessing the community movement with affiliated organisations and groups.
The name of the Parramatta Branch of the National Trust (NSW) is historical, and a bit of a misnomer. People come from across Sydney with a shared dedication for the cause of advocating for heritage protection, and to organise events that create greater awareness and appreciation of history and heritage – and they join this branch in Sydney. Cheryl Bates succeeded former National Trust (NSW) President, Brian Powyer, in the role of Chair of the National Trust Parramatta Branch.
One of the key campaigns Cheryl leads is the drive to protect two Parramatta heritage items: Willow Grove and St George’s Terrace. This drive is to push for more meaningful engagement and consultation with the community on the proposed development of the Powerhouse Museum in Parramatta.
“The Parramatta Branch was established in 1992 and has a rich history of advocacy in the region and has played a significant role in identifying heritage items over many years. Sadly, we are seeing heritage items targeted for demolition or having their vital surroundings destroyed”
Although I have been a member for many years, I only became an active member of the Branch in 2010. Since that time, I’ve worked alongside many inspiring individuals who’ve shared their knowledge and passion and stand with me to give a voice to retaining our heritage for future generations,“ Cheryl said.
You can join a National Trust Branch when you become a Member. Our Members play a crucial role in the advocacy for the protection of our heritage across New South Wales. Find out more.
Cheryl Bates, Chair of the National Trust Parramatta Branch