11 July 2019
The National Trust of Australia (New South Wales) has advanced the Expression of Interest process for 3105 Remembrance Driveway, Bargo
The National Trust of Australia (New South Wales) commenced an open Expression of Interest process with respect to the future management of the property located at 3105 Remembrance Driveway, Bargo, where Wirrimbirra Sanctuary operates.
The property was gifted to the National Trust of Australia (NSW) in 1965 by The David G. Stead Memorial Wild Life Research Foundation of Australia (Stead Research Foundation) and over the years has been used as a field studies centre for school children and tertiary students.
“This site has great significance to the local community and the National Trust of Australia (NSW) has carefully considered the long-term sustainability and effective management for this special place,” said Debbie Mills, Chief Executive Officer at the National Trust (NSW). “In recognition of the environmental and cultural significance of the property we commenced a public, robust, open and equitable Expression of Interest process in July 2018, through which all applicants have been thoroughly reviewed and given due consideration in line with the selection criteria.”
“The Expression of Interest process has resulted in the selection of a preferred candidate for the lease, management and operation of the property. We have maintained, at all times, that the property is to be managed in the spirit of the vision of its initiator Dr Thistle Stead (nee Harris) and the intent of the gift of the property to the National Trust,” said Debbie Mills. “We look forward to working in partnership with the preferred candidate – who we have yet to publicly announce – to provide ongoing care and protection of this site, and to build on the natural heritage education programs.”
All applicants in the Expression of Interest process have been advised of the outcome regarding the ongoing management of 3105 Remembrance Driveway, Bargo. The National Trust (NSW) has also advised the existing tenants.
The successful candidate will be announced in due course pending the completion of all contractual processes.
Debbie Mills, Chief Executive Officer, National Trust (NSW) is available for comment or interview. Contact Lyndal Stuart on email
About the National Trust (NSW)
The National Trust is Australia’s oldest and largest independent conservation organisation founded in 1945 in New South Wales by Annie Forsyth Wyatt. Collectively the National Trust in Australia owns or manages over 300 built and natural heritage places (the majority held in perpetuity), is supported by 7,000 volunteers and employs more than 300 people nationwide.
The National Trust (NSW) is committed to engaging the community to celebrate and conserve heritage places and collections through events and education. With the support of our members, volunteers and dedicated staff and partners, we advocate on the protection of historical and naturally significant places and collections to ensure their preservation for future generations.