Trust Honours recognise individuals who have given outstanding service to the National Trust.
Before entering please refer to the Guidelines for Award of National Trust Honours
National Trust Honours are presented annually to deserving members of the National Trust. We invite you to submit nominations for the 2024 Awards to the Trust Honours Committee by Friday 16 August 2024.
The Committee assesses the nominations and makes recommendations to the Board based on Guidelines that identify outstanding service to the National Trust.
Nominations will be held in strict confidence. It is requested that you do not discuss a nomination with the nominee or with your Committee/colleagues as official business, or record any discussion regarding the nomination in public documentation. However, it is expected that you will discuss the matter confidentially with members of your Committee and colleagues.
The final decision on the Award of Trust Honours is made by the Board.
If you have any queries, please contact
Please ensure that nominations are received by the National Trust no later thanĀ Friday 16 August 2024.
Trust Honours recognise individuals who have given outstanding service to the National Trust.
Before entering please refer to the Guidelines for Award of National Trust Honours
Trust Honours recognize staff for outstanding contributions to the National Trust of Australia (NSW).
Before entering please refer to the Guidelines for Award of National Trust Honours