For more information about the Patron Program including other payment options, please contact:
Rachel Blazey
Philanthropy Officer
We acknowledge the following Patrons who generously support our work:
J Berry
J Church
C Wilkinson OAM
G Arnott
J Burnswoods
J & L Calluaud
P & R Flick
H Hewitt
C & B Hindmarsh
Kimalo Foundation
T Strachan
C Sutherland
S Thomas
Plus multiple Anonymous
R Butler AM
Prof. Carment AM
T Heazlewood OAM
P Homel & L Taggart
“The Trustees” – Nell & Hermon Slade Trust
A White
Plus multiple Anonymous
J & L Benaud
A Cassidy & D Taranto
R Charley AO
B Edwards
J Farrell
J Giles
G & T Graham
B & J Hambrett
R & J Hanson
E Heard
A Johnson
Lambert Bridge Foundation
R & J Lister
L Marcroft & G Brunner
N & J Margerrison
R & R McCallum
C Nadai & R Burge
P Poland OAM
Dr J & H Ralston OAM
A Scott
A Smith
V Vargassoff
Hon. W. & G Windeyer
Dr J Yu AM
Plus multiple Anonymous