The eight combined State and Territory National Trusts of Australia have released our 2022 Federal Election “Heritage Priorities” Statement to share our perspective on the major threats facing Australia’s heritage and offer solutions, policy suggestions and a way forward to current and prospective governments.
The National Trusts of Australia are a network of community-based, not-for- profit organisations that represents the interests of more than 80,000 members across Australia. The National Trusts are Australia’s longest standing and most respected voices on heritage protection, conservation and cultural tourism.
Our mission, as Australia’s leading heritage conservation and cultural tourism organisation, is the protection, conservation and celebration of Australia’s natural, built and cultural heritage.
We work in collaboration to inspire communities and governments to appreciate, protect, conserve and celebrate the diversity of heritage places and landscapes in ways that build vibrant, inclusive and sustainable communities.
Our 2022 Priorities reflects the changes our Country has faced and continues to face, focusing on the need to future proof heritage places and organisations, offer solutions for communities to build resilience, inclusivity and diversity through their heritage, and assist them to bounce back as a dynamic part of the tourism sector. We are advocating for:
- Economic recovery through conservation
- Assistance for conservation organisations to build back better
- Targeted Grants to support ‘Shovel Worthy’ Conservation Projects
- Strengthening heritage legislation
- Better resourcing for better outcomes
- Enriching the list of National Heritage Places
- Disaster preparedness for heritage places and organisations
- Rebuilding heritage tourism
The National Trusts of Australia are proud to release this Statement and urge the Australian government, the opposition and all other political parties to give bipartisan support and endorsement of this Priorities Statement. It is a shared responsibility of community, organisations and governments to be the curators, not the liquidators, of our heritage places and landscapes.
Our 2022 Federal Election “Heritage Priorities” Statement outlines the heritage issues we are advocating for in the upcoming 2022 Federal election. They clearly set out our position and ask for a response from all major political parties and candidates. We will directly communicate those responses to our 80,000 members and 240,000 followers across Australia, to help inform their electoral votes.
You can read our Statement here and we encourage you to share it with your community and candidates.