Want to find out more about places, events and people that have shaped your local area? Want to see what’s important to other communities? Read stories from the past and contribute your own story or add an anecdote of what you remember or know – Join in!
Community Heritage
Want to find out more about places, events and people that have shaped your local area? Want to see what’s important to other communities?
Community Heritage is a place where individuals and groups can share information and stories about Australia’s heritage. The purpose of the website is to encourage the collection and sharing of information, stories and anecdotes related to people, places and events that have contributed to Australia’s heritage.
The website allows you to create an individual profile or a group identity so you can enter information about places, people and historical events in Australia. For example, you make like to tell the story of how your ancestors came to Australia. While this is not a family history website, there are many Australians who have made a difference since they came to this country and telling their story is a way to get this known. You can also comment on stories and post notices about upcoming events related to your group’s activities.
The website is an initiative of the Australian Government department with responsibility for heritage, (the Department of the Environment) to engage people in heritage more widely across Australian communities. The website is supported by the Australian Council of National Trusts and the Federation of Australian Historic Societies.