Heritage Conservation Appeals

The National Trust (ACT) supports Heritage Conservation Appeal Funds in partnership with trustees for heritage sites of significance.

Current Conservation Appeal Funds

  • All Saint’s Anglican ChurchDonations can be made by direct credit to BSB 702-389, account number 05202607. Please include your name in the description and contact admin@allsaintsainslie.org.au to advise of the donation and your details so that we can issue a tax receipt in early July.  More information on the church is available at www.allsaintsainslie.org.au.
  • St Andrew’s Church 
  • St John’s Church – Please see the Heritage Fund Brochure 2023 and Appeal Letter May 2023. Donations can be made online by credit card at http://www.stjohnscanberra.org/. Click on About Us, then go to Giving, then to Heritage Fund and donate through GiveNow. A tax deductible donation receipt will be sent to your email address. Please see the St John’s website or the brochure above for other options.
  • Reid Korean Uniting Church
  • St Paul’s Anglican ChurchTrust funds are held with the AIDF with the following details; BSB: 702389 Account: 05209549 Description: National Trust (ACT) HCA Fund. If making a donation by direct debit please send an email to peter.mcdermott@bigpond.com,so the payment can be traced.
  • Manning Clark House – To make a donation please go to: https://www.manningclark.org.au/support-us
  • Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Turner  Donations can be made by direct credit to BSB: 032719, account number 679794. Please include your name in the description and contact CNAC.HeritageFund@gmail.com to advise of the donation and your details so that we can issue a tax receipt.

These Appeal Funds assist in the conservation and restoration of each of the churches, and allow for tax-free donations to be made.


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(02) 6230 0533