NTWA Calls for Ellensbrook Proposals

This brief has been prepared to assist in the selection and engagement of a consultant team to undertake community and stakeholder consultation in relation to Ellensbrook situated 12km northwest of Margaret River in the Leeuwin-Naturaliste National Park approximately 290km south of Perth. It is arguably one of the most significant within the portfolio of heritage places managed by the National Trust, largely as a consequence of its highly layered and complex histories.

The National Trust has received a grant from Lotterywest to undertake conservation and interpretation works combined with education and community engagement activities at Ellensbrook, a project that will be carried out during 2016/17. The ultimate aspiration is to provide an international quality heritage offering to the community and tourists who visit the place.

The histories of Ellensbrook attest to both the amicable and frequently volatile relations between Aboriginal people and the early colonists. It offers the unique potential to explore these relationships, to redress an imbalance in the telling of these histories and to contribute to the process of reconciliation. It is a place of contemporary stories, has strong connections to its surrounding community and is highly valued by many, even those who do not visit.

The place is one that tells stories of the natural world and how this environment has been shaped by human intervention. It represents patterns of use that have been replicated throughout the south west and is positioned to tell a broader story of land uses in the region.

The outcomes of the community consultation will inform decision making during the course of the project, influence conservation, interpretation, education and community engagement activities, build capacity and a framework for community and stakeholder engagement and assist in developing relationships to benefit Ellensbrook.


A budget allocation of $25,000 has been allocated to this component of the project.




Closing Date and Lodgement of Submissions
Your submission should be clearly marked, “Ellensbrook Community Consultation Project”, and received at the offices the National Trust no later than 5pm WST on Wednesday 24th August 2016.
Mail: National Trust of Australia (WA) PO Box 1162 WEST PERTH WA 6872
Email: trust@ntwa.com.au

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NTWA Calls for Ellensbrook Proposals

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