Join us to hear Dave Allan-Petale and John Mateer talk about their time as INSPIRE Writers in Residence at National Trust places.
Both writers share a common theme in their works, with wartime Australia as a backdrop.
The INSPIRE Writer in Residence initiative is a partnership between the National Trust of Western Australia and the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries. The initiative offers five emerging or established Western Australian writers a stipend of $5000 each and a residency for up to 15 days in a National Trust heritage place.
The talk will take place in the Annexe at the rear of the Old Observatory, 4 Havelock Street, West Perth, Western Australia.
Light refreshments will be served after the event in the Drawing Room at the Old Observatory.
The writers will be in conversation with Will Yeoman, CEO at Writing WA and former literary editor and senior writer at The West Australian and The Sunday Times. Will is also a regular contributor to Limelight and Gramophone magazines. An experienced facilitator at local, national and international writers’ festivals, Will is the founder of the New Norcia Writers Festival and Artistic Director of The York Festival and York Writers Festival. He has been a Guest Curator of Perth Festival Writers Week (2018 and 2019), and has interviewed everyone from Jonathan Franzen, Germaine Greer and John Howard to Helen Garner, Tim Winton and Kim Scott.
Doors open at 5.45 pm and free on-site parking is available.
Places are limited.
Tickets: Adults $15.00 | Concession $12 | Members $10 plus booking fee.
This event is part of the Australian Heritage Festival, proudly supported by Lotterywest.
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