With more than 100 historic buildings in our care, including Beaumont House, Stangate House in Aldgate and Collingrove Homestead in Angaston, as well as 24 nature reserves under its management, the National Trust is one of the largest community heritage organisations in Australia.

We also operate a network of 44 local area branches across the State. Our local branches welcome new members with an interest in preserving and promoting our built, natural and cultural heritage.

ArdrossanYorke PeninsulaArdrossan Museum08 8837 3195museum@ardrossan.sa.au Ardrossan Museum and Gundersen Reserve ( Dinham Drive )
AuburnMid NorthLeonie Moore, Chair(08) 8849 2075

0417 856 358

Auburn Old Police Station and Courthouse Museum
BarmeraRiverlandHelen Barney, Chair0408 843 240cobbymuseum@outlook.com

Napper's Accommodation House, Cobdogla Irrigation Museum, Loveday Reserve
BeachportLimestone CoastElaine Donaldson, Chair0437 380 833ntbeachport@outlook.comBeachport Old Wool Grain Store Museum
BurnsideAdelaide Metroburnside@nationaltrustsa.org.auBeaumont House
BurraMid NorthSue Thompson, Treasurer0412 560 946aberdeen.burra@gmail.comBon Accord Mine Complex, Burra Police Lockup and Stables, Malowen Lowarth Cottage, Miner's Dugouts, Market Square Museum, Peacock's Chimney Stack, Redruth Gaol
CedunaEyre PeninsulaBronwynne Rice, Secretary0428 289 032bronweena63@gmail.com
Ceduna School House Museum
Central Yorke Peninsula -MaitlandYorke PeninsulaSheree Brennan, Treasurer0400 176 954
Maitland Museum
ClareMid NorthMillie Nicholls,
Acting Chair

0409 206 105


Clare Old Police Station and Courthouse Museum
CleveEyre PeninsulaMaurice Smith, Deputy Chair(08) 8628 2492

0427 288 062
mhbgasmith8@gmail.comCleve Old Council Chambers
Coromandel Valley and DistrictsSouthern Mt Lofty and FleurieuTrevor Conlon, Chair0438 185 258nationaltrust-coro@gmail.com Gamble Cottage, Winn's Bakehouse Museum,
GawlerBarossaGraham Tucker, Secretary0408 083 459gawlernationaltrustmuseum@gmail.comOld Telegraph Station
GlencoeLimestone CoastStephen Maxwell (Chair)

Carol Grbich
0427 250 325

0432 881 842
skmaxwell@skymesh.com.au Glencoe Woolshed
GoolwaFleurieu PeninsulaJill Presgrave(08) 8555 2221nattrustgoolwa@hotmail.comGoolwa Museum,
HahndorfAdelaide HillsMs Annette Humphries (Branch Chair)0451 030 357hahndorfnationaltrust@gmail.com Malcolm Wicks Reserve
JamestownMid NorthBill Blake0408 858 628wgrlblake@hotmail.comJamestown Railway Station Museum, Jamestown Local History Centre,
KadinaYorke PeninsulaGerry Guerin(08) 8821 1972guerin.kadina@gmail.comThe Farm Shed Museum, Matta House
KeithLimestone CoastJanee Presgrave

Francis Harris
0476 923 983

0408 149 005
keith@nationaltrustsa.org.au1910 Congregational Church, Early Settlers Cottage
KingscoteKangaroo IslandLesley Walker,
(08) 8553 2565hopecottagemuseum@gmail.com
Hope Cottage

Kingston (SE)Limestone CoastAlison Stillwell, Secretary0427 854 175kingstonse@nationaltrustsa.org.auCape Jaffa Lighthouse,
Kingston National Trust Museum
KoppioEyre PeninsulaRichard Scott(08) 8685 2262 or 0409 406 880koppio.museum@gmail.comKoppio Smithy Museum
MillicentLimestone CoastBarry Long, Chair

Selena Smith
0428 344 494

0407 290 742

Millicent National Trust Museum
MinlatonYorke PeninsulaShirley Trevena, Chair0419 850 353shirleytrevena@iinet.net.auMinlaton Museum, Mulbara Park Reserve
MoontaYorke PeninsulaMoonta Tourist Office(08) 8825 1891info@moontatourism.org.auMoonta Mines Tourist Railway ,
Hughes Pump House, Miners Cottage and Heritage Garden, Moonta Mines Model School, Moonta Mines Sweet Shop, Moonta Railway Station, Moonta School of Mines
Mount BarkerAdelaide HillsMargaret Brook, Chair0418 808 366info@mtbarkernationaltrust.org.auNil
Mount GambierLimestone CoastWillie Davidson (Co-chair) 0407 143 488 refraction1@bigpond.com Mount Gambier Courthouse Museum
NaracoorteLimestone CoastGraham Brammer (Vice Chair)

Tony Hill (Chair)
0428 854 931thesheepsbackmuseum@gmail.comThe Sheep’s Back
Overland CornerRiverlandRichard Swinstead, Chair0429 813 811richard@overlandcorner.com.auOverland Corner Hotel, Overland Corner Reserve, Herons Bend Reserve, Cave Cliff Reserve
PenneshawKangaroo IslandJoy Willson, Secretary(08) 8553 1065

0427 504 580
joy.don2@bigpond.comPenneshaw Maritime and Folk Museum, Howard Drive
PenolaLimestone CoastPeter Balnaves, Chair(08) 8737 2946pete.balnaves@balnaves.com.auDavidson Cottage, Gammon Cottage, Penola Telegraph Station and Post Office, Sharam Cottages, Wilson's Cottage
Port ElliotFleurieu PeninsulaKate Waldman, Secretary(08) 8554 1995kate_waldmann@hotmail.comPort Elliot Railway Station
Port of AdelaideAdelaide MetroClare Shuttleworth, Chair0447 581 818sshutc0@outlook.comNil
Port PirieMid NorthJack Keain, Chairppnattrust125@outlook.com

Barrier Chambers,Sampson's Butchers Building, Former ES and A Bank Building, former central police station, Coach house, Customs House.
RenmarkRiverlandAnn Ryan, Chair(08) 8586 6175

0429 040 046
olivewood.renmark@gmail.comOlivewood Historic Homestead and Museum
RobeLimestone CoastValerie Monaghan 8768 2755 vamonaghan@bigpond.com

CSIRO Research Station, Customs House
StrathalbynAdelaide HillsStrathalbyn Museum08 8536 2656
secretary@strathmuseum.org.auStrathalbyn and District Heritage Centre,
Streaky BayEyre PeninsulaSandy DeSira, Chair0474 066 776sbnatrust@gmail.comStreaky Bay Museum
Tea Tree GullyAdelaide MetroGill Starks, Chair0431 080 062teatreegully@nationaltrustsa.org.auTea Tree Gully Heritage Museum
Tumby BayEyre PeninsulaPat Carr, Secretary (08) 8688 4210

0409 285 123
tumbybay.museum@gmail.comTumby Bay Branch Museum
Victor HarborFleurieu PeninsulaRichard Higgins, Secretary(08) 8552 5388,


Station Master’s Residence
WaikerieRiverlandMike Perry, Chair(08) 8541 2260perry268@bigpond.comDB Mack Reserve , Doris Odgers Reserve
WallarooYorke PeninsulaColin Boase, Chair(08) 8823 3015
whmn@adam.com.auWallaroo Heritage and Nautical Museum
WhyallaEyre PeninsulaGeraldine Gillen, Chair(08) 8645 4500whynap@internode.on.netMount Laura Station
WillungaFleurieu PeninsulaPaddy O'Toole, Chair(08) 8556 2195
willunganationaltrust@gmail.comWillunga Courthouse Museum, Willunga Courthouse Reserve, Willunga Slate Museum, Bassett Boys Schoolroom