ACT National Trust Heritage Awards 2023
The National Trust of Australia (ACT) Heritage Awards recognise projects that make a significant contribution to preserving or promoting the heritage of the ACT. We welcome nomination of any project which promotes the conservation of, or fosters public knowledge about, places, objects and issues that are significant to the heritage of the ACT.
2023 Heritage Awards Winners
The National Trust would like to congratulate those who have received a 2023 Heritage Award. For full details, please see the MEDIA RELEASE 2023 Heritage Awards Winners V3.
For information about the projects and individuals awarded, please see 2023 HA Winners Summary Report FINAL.
2023 Presentation Night
Presentation to winners of the 2023 Heritage Awards was made on Monday, 4 December 2023 at Canberra Museum and Gallery, Corner of London Circuit and Civic Square Canberra City.
Nomination Information
Please read the information sheet for further information on the categories of projects and awards – Heritage Awards 2023 Information V1.0 Final.
How do I enter a project?
Nominations for this year’s awards have now closed.
Trust Office contact details: Email (preferred) – or phone 02 6230 0533