Project Brief – Tender for consultancy services

Writer in Residence Program Co-ordinator

The National Trust of Western Australia seeks a suitably qualified consultant to plan and implement a writer in residence program at National Trust places.

The National Trust of Western Australia aspires to awaken the community to the value of heritage. The National Trust is a statutory authority that works under an Act of Parliament, but at the same time it is also recognised as a not for profit, community based organisation and a registered charity. The National Trust works both for Government and for the community.

Aboriginal acknowledgement

The Trust acknowledges its properties are situated on Aboriginal land across the state. The Trust recognises Aboriginal people remain the cultural and spiritual custodians of their land and continue to practise their values, languages, beliefs and knowledge. The Trust is committed to working with Aboriginal people to ensure these practices are recognised and included in the conservation and interpretation of its properties and Aboriginal people are consulted and involved in the development of Trust projects and programs.


The National Trust of Western Australia has partnered with Culture and the Arts at the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries to develop a lively and engaging writer in residence program which will support and nurture emerging, early career and established WA writers writing WA stories.

The program is in response the DLGSC Writing Sector Review – establish writing in residence opportunities at National Trust properties

This investment in WA writers will encourage excellence in writing, foster professional development and nurture connections with potential publishers contributing to a buoyant and energetic local writers’ scene. Opportunities to encourage applications from culturally diverse writers will be a focus of the program.

In time, we anticipate the program will provide up to three residential or non-residential opportunities annually for Western Australian writers to focus on writing in an inspirational heritage setting. As National Trust places are recognised for their significant heritage values and the richness of their stories across time, writers will be selected on their proposed response to the place as a stimulus to tell Western Australian stories.

Several Trust properties are available for the program in the metropolitan area.

Project goal and scope of work

The National Trust recognises the complexity of the Western Australian writing ecology and seeks to engage a suitably qualified and highly regarded consultant to establish and run the writers in residence program.

The project will have two stages: planning and delivery.

Stage One – Planning

Establish and document the logistics of the program including but not limited to:

  • Program overview including program outline and length of residency
  • Establish eligibility and selection criteria including categories of writers and appropriate stipends
  • Prepare a program budget
  • Establish protocols for calling for submissions, evaluating and managing the residencies
  • Identify and foster synergies with publishing houses and other relevant professional development opportunities
  • Develop promotional and marketing collateral including online application forms
  • Establish a selection committee
    Undertake and document a program evaluation at the completion of the 1st residency in preparation for future funding applications

Stage Two – Delivery

  • Manage the first call for expression of interest from WA writers as per the established and agreed protocols / logistics from stage 1
    Manage the assessment of EOIs and announcement of the first residency
    Manage the residency including:
  • Liaison between writers and the National Trust
  • Management of budgets and program administration
  • Promotion and marketing of program
  • Depending on time and funding, run a second residency as per above and including agreed recommendations as per the evaluation.

Consultancy deliverables

Consultants will be required to work with the Senior Manager Marketing and Community Services to develop and document the program logistics, implement the residency program and prepare an evaluation of the outcomes.

Consultant capability

The consultant should be an experienced arts administrator with demonstrated knowledge and experience in planning and delivering arts programs and the preparation and delivery of related marketing initiatives. Experience in the writing field is desirable but not essential.  Demonstration of previous engagements across a range of clients and programs is necessary.

Project funding

The writer in residence program is funded through the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries. The National Trust of Western Australia will contribute to the project through in kind and some administration support.

Copyright and confidentiality

Copyright of all original material related to the writer in residence program and its delivery will remain with the National Trust of Australia (WA).  Use of already copyrighted material must be appropriately obtained and acknowledged. Further publication or distribution of all or part of any documents must receive prior permission from the National Trust.

Authors retain the copyright of works created.

Commercial-in-confidence requirements will be respected at all times.

Insurance requirements

Consultants are expected to have relevant professional and public liability insurances ($5m)

Submission information

Assessment and Selection Criteria

  1. Experience in arts administration and in particular the planning and delivery of residency programs or related projects.
  2. Understanding of the role heritage plays in the delivery of this project
  3. Depth of insight into project requirements
  4. Demonstrated knowledge of the writing and/or publishing sector
  5. Value for money


The project will be delivered in 2 stages:

  • Stage One – Planning, and
  • Stage Two – Delivery.

A lump sum fee of $5,000 (including all disbursements) is offered for stage one of the project. Fees for stage two will be determined and agreed to as part of stage one.

Client liaison

The primary contact for this project is Anne Brake, Senior Manager Marketing and Community Services, National Trust of Western Australia

Phone: (08) 9321 6088


Tender inclusions

The tender should be limited to 4 pages including:

  • Name of the contractor, business address and relevant contact details
  • Statement of claims addressing the selection criteria
  • Details of services offered, background and financial standing
  • Rates for any additional works outside the agreed scope
  • Names and contact details of three referees who have had recent dealings with the applicant
  • Copy of the Certificate of Currency for the professional indemnity insurance

Tender submission

All submissions should be clearly marked ‘Writer in Residence Program Co-ordinator’ and submitted no later than 5.00PM WST on Friday, 16 August 2019 at the following address:


National Trust of Western Australia
The Old Observatory
4 Havelock Street


National Trust of Western Australia
PO Box 1162


Email proposals received by the nominated closing date and time will be accepted provided that they are completed, signed, legible and include all necessary information required to be submitted as part of the proposal, and a hard copy of the proposal is forwarded to the National Trust of Western Australia on the same day.

For further information please contact:

Anne Brake, Senior Manager Marketing and Community Services

National Trust of Western Australia
4 Havelock Street

Telephone: (08) 9321 6088
Direct line: (08) 9212 1116
Mobile: 0438 445 141
