The Heritage Festival starts on Saturday 13 April so enjoy lots of events over the next few weeks starting with the Open Day at Gungahlin Homestead on Saturday. The Duntroon Dairy and Duntroon walk is full but we hope to repeat this in early July. Unfortunately we have had to cancel the talk by Trevor Lipscombe on Monday 15 April.
New events just added – Trust Talk 2: A Stitch in Time on Monday 13 May; Heritage Concert with Robert Harris, viola on Thursday 16 May at St John’s Church, Reid. Don’t forget Mother’s Day on Sunday 12 May – tickets to these events would make a lovely Mother’s Day present!
There will also be a bus tour to Retford Park and Riversdale on Thursday 16 May – details available shortly. (We apologise for the clash with the concert but we had to schedule it when Robert and the church were available.)