Please complete our survey!


For Immediate Release


Heritage is important and greatly influences our wellbeing. Canberra was uniquely conceived as a city in the bush.  A National Capital worthy of the aspirations, passions, values and patriotism of the nation.  The values that underpinned the design of Canberra as a Garden City are still as relevant to community and personal wellbeing as they were over 100 years ago – to create healthy working and living environments for urban residents with access to light and fresh air, to land for growing plants, keeping animals and for recreation are still significant.

Similarly, it is still important for wellbeing, that individuals can enjoy a level of prosperity, have access to healthy, safe housing, to services and employment and have a variety of opportunities for socialising and participating in the community.

Wellbeing Indicators

Mr Gary Kent, President of National Trust of Australia (ACT) said” The ACT Government is now seeking to develop wellbeing indicators.  We understand the indicators will be quantitative, but non-economic, measures on the state of our society.

For our part the Trust believes there is a strong link between heritage and wellbeing that enjoins personal and community values and outlooks with a sense of purpose, belonging and cohesion.  The National Trust of Australia (ACT) would like to input into this initiative, particularly in relation to our cultural heritage. To do this, the Trust would like to understand from its members, and the community at large, what the people of the ACT and surrounds find are important activities, events and landmarks that make Canberra great and should be invested in”

The Trust is conducting a survey which will help us to demonstrate this view, which is available here – https://surveyhero.com/c/9aaa70d6

For further information please contact Dr Peter Dowling Tel 0417233194 or email:  info@nationaltrustact.org.au