AECOM Australia is seeking to speak with people who either worked or lived at Gowrie Hostel in Canberra between 1965 and 1990 and who would be interested in participating in an oral history interview to discuss their experiences. The Gowrie Hostel was built by the Commonwealth in 1965, and initially was a residential facility for public servants. In the 1970s, it was opened to school groups and tourists and became known as the Gowrie Private Hostel. The interviews will seek to establish the social significance of the Hostel to former residents and staff. The interview would take no more than one hour and would be scheduled at a time and place that is mutually agreed and could take the form of a telephone interview if the participants live outside of the ACT. The information would be used to inform a Heritage Assessment of Gowrie Hostel commissioned by the Department of Finance. The Heritage Assessment is being prepared by AECOM Australia in line with the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act. If you are interested in participating or finding out more, please contact Susan Lampard at
Did you live or work at Gowrie Hostel?
19 Mar 2019