tas The Hobart Penitentiary Chapel and Clarendon have benefitted from concerted works programs made possible by a Tasmanian Government Built Heritage Maintenance grant.more
act On the 28 April, the Canberra Times published a report about Ted Baillieu’s Heritage Oration delivered for the National Trust (ACT) on 18 April, World Heritage Day. A transcript of the Oration will be published on the website shortly.more
nsw The National Trust (NSW) Heritage Awards is an annual celebration of outstanding practice, awarding excellence in conservation of Aboriginal, built, natural and cultural heritage. “The high quality of entries created robust discussions between the judges this year” said Matthew Devine, Chair of the National Trust Heritage Awards Jury. Devine wasmore
nsw The $500,000 restoration of UNESCO World Heritage site Old Government House is now underway, with parts of the historic Parramatta landmark undergoing significant repairs.more
act The National Trust of Australia (ACT) says that the referral of Light Rail Stage 2B to the Commonwealth Government identifies many heritage issues that require full public scrutiny. See media release. National Trust ACT Light Rail Stage 2B EPBC Act Referral Feb 2024 To see the documents related to themore
nsw The NSW Government has announced two housing reforms that represent significant change to the planning system in NSW, with major impacts on heritage.more
nsw Home to our very own Miss Traill's House, Bathurst is one of NSW's most beloved regional destinations. Now, the town has been ranked fifth in the Aussie Town of the Year awards, and we couldn't agree more!more
sa As a boy, John Gay would travel with his family from Adelaide to stay with his grandparents, Isaac and Caroline Poulton, who lived in the small Limestone Coast town of Glencoe. He remembers wonderful times running around Glencoe, visiting some of the properties and old buildings in the district. Onemore
sa We have been fortunate to receive a $2,000.00 Flinders University Rural and Remote Health SA Community Grant for Wilabalangaloo. The funds were reimbursed for the works our volunteers completed two shaded/covered shelters at two site on our Wilabalangaloo Reserve in areas where visitors can take in the full beautymore
sa The Auburn National Trust is very excited to receive a $20k State Heritage Grant for further works to the roof of the Auburn Courthouse. This is to follow up on works completed in October 2023 where we had the original Welsh slate roof restored using money from a Community Assetsmore
sa The RMMAC (on behalf of the FPRMMR Native Title holders) have produced a River Murray and Mallee Country Plan (RMMAC, 2020), which includes a framework for engagement with FPRMMR on water resource management, their visions and values, and information on culturally important river species. To capture the FPRMMR interests andmore
sa It was wonderful to see so many volunteers our first working bee at Z Ward, Glenside on Wednesday the 18th October 2023. A successful day, pulling up weeds, removing dead branches in the moat, cutting down trees and whipper snipping. Seven people attended, including three members of the general publicmore