STAGE 2 – FIRST CONTACTS Outcomes A student: HT2-3 describes people, events and actions related to world exploration and its effects HT2-4 describes and explains effects of British colonisation in Australia HT2-5 applies skills of historical inquiry and communication Key inquiry questions: Why did people travel from Europe (andmore
STAGE 1 – HISTORY Outcomes A student: HT1-2 identifies and describes significant people, events, places and sites in the local community over time HT3-2 describes and explains different experiences of people living in Australia over time HT3-5 applies a variety of skills of historical inquiry and communication Key inquirymore
Scroll through the narrative galleries below to explore how the Melbourne Gaol represented nineteenth century ideas of using punishment as a way of reforming prisoners. Hover your mouse over an image to reveal further information.more
Scroll through the narrative galleries below to explore the reasons why many different types of people might end up in gaol in the second half of the nineteenth century. Hover your mouse over an image to reveal further information. Please note that images of deceased Indigenous people are contained withinmore
Scroll through the narrative galleries below to discover the story of the Melbourne Gaol and where it sits within Victoria’s criminal justice history. Hover your mouse over an image to reveal further information. Please note that images and names of deceased Indigenous people are contained within this webpage.more
Mr Bassett’s Schoolroom is a school learning program that has been developed to support teaching of Year 3 History in an authentic heritage setting. The program focuses on continuity and change in the Australian experience of school over 150 years. It has been designed to enable teachers and students to reflect on howmore
Teachers can choose from eight different modules based on the National Curriculum: History for Reception – Year 2. Volunteer guides lead groups through activities including wash day, old school room experience, agriculture, blacksmith Shop, local area development, family life, Post Office/Hotel and games. Three modules can be presented per museum visit. A self-guided walking tour of localmore
Two school programs are offered at the Gawler Museum in the ‘Old Telegraph Office’. One is tuned to the Year 5 History curriculum. It’s hands on and includes Gawler’s local history of migration, discovery of mystery objects, MP3 guided trail through the museum, and the technology of daily living, entertainment and communication. The second is aligned to Years 2 andmore
Take a virtual visit of our historic sites using new 3D technology. This application lets you wander around our sites and see them just as though you could really walk around from room to room or place to place. We have scanned two very different properties and made them available for youmore
Rippon Lea Estate became the 33rd site in Australia to be included on the prestigious National Heritage List in 2006. The site remains a significant tourist venue, attracting over 80,000 visitors annually, presenting an outstanding option for VCE Geography students to undertake on site fieldwork as part of Unit 2:more
The Woodford Academy, the Blue Mountains oldest building, offers school students the chance to study history from a rich primary source. Built originally as a roadside inn in the 1830’s, the property has had a multi-layered history, also operating over the years as a gentlemen’s residence, guest house, boarding house and frommore
The nineteenth century villa residence ‘Currajong’, a worker’s dwelling dating from 1884 and a 1921 farmhouse are the three buildings that form the Townsville Heritage Centre. The Education Kit for the Centre, available here for teachers, covers several topics relevant to the school curriculum. Teachers are invited to download thesemore
The new updated Culpable Driving Court Room Drama looks at the case of a young man, Kim Tran who was charged with culpable driving in the County Court. The case is based on a real case but names, dates and details have been changed to maintain the confidentiality of themore
The Old Melbourne Gaol is a former prison that was open from 1845 to 1924, during which more than 50,000 prisoners passed through its imposing bluestone walls, some never to leave. The Gaol was the site of 133 executions, including, most famously, Ned Kelly. Students will be transported back inmore
The History in Place program encourages students from primary school to visit a local heritage site and produce their own documentary video about a subject that inspires them.
Click here to open the Interactive Court Room Judge/Magistrate The Judge presides over the court and deals with any legal issues that arise during the trial. He/She informs the jurors about their role and instructs them about what the law is. The Magistrate hears cases and makes decisions in the Magistrates’more
Come and visit our wonderful world of wildlife and immerse your students in the rich nature, culture and history of Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary. Our Nature Ed experiences allow you to tailor your day in your own special way. The Wildlife Discovery Experience is our most popular living lesson and takesmore
Each of the chapters explores an aspect of the history of the family and their experience living in this home, and places these stories within the context of the broader changes in Australian society over the last 100 years. Visitors to the home can use this eBook to enhance andmore