In 2004 the Trust received Zelling Reserve from the estate of the late Mrs Sesca Zelling (1918 – 2001) a long standing member of NTSA. It was Mrs Zelling’s wish that the property to be kept “as a wildflower sanctuary to preserve native flora on the eastern end of Kangaroomore
The Waikerie Branch of the NTSA manages the Doris Odgers Reserve. The reserve is situated on a ridge-top overlooking the Murray Valley, and vegetation is predominantly native pine and eucalyptus trees. A walking trail with a magnificent view west towards the river wends its way through the trees. Numerous oldmore
The Brinkworth Reserve is on Winters Hill, 3.6 km north-west of Pt Lincoln. It was gifted to the National Trust of South Australia by Ken Brinkworth in 1968, with more pieces added over time with the last in December 1986. It is 7.74 ha of partially revegetated farmland, as wellmore
Malcolm Wicks Reserve was donated to the National Trust of SA by Mr & Mrs M. Wicks and Mr & Mrs G. Nancarrow in 1979. The Reserve contains 7.9 ha of undulating land of high elevation with a good rainfall. The different aspects created by the undulations allow a varietymore
D B Mack Reserve comprises an area of 265ha held by the National Trust of South Australia since 1965, when the property was purchased from Mr FJ Fettke. The land was initially held by the Trust under perpetual lease but has since been converted to freehold title. Mr D Bmore
Gulf Station tells an exciting story about the daily life on a pioneer farm, with an array of farm buildings and animals waiting to be discovered.more