Roachdale Reserve protects one of the few remaining stands of Long-leafed Box forest and is host to exceptional displays of wildflowers, orchids and lilies in spring and early summer.
Roachdale Reserve was the first property to be donated to the National Trust of South Australia. This natural heritage reserve was gifted by Miss Hilda Roach in March 1957.
In a region extensively cleared for agriculture, Roachdale Reserve protects a rare piece of native bushland containing one of the few remaining stands of Long-leaved box forest, once widespread in the Mount Lofty Ranges. The reserve is traversed by a creek with deep pools which provide a summer source of water for a variety of wildlife. The reserve contains a wide diversity of plant species (225 indigenous to the area) including 32 of conservation significance. It also provides habitat for four birds of conservation significance and a Rare indigenous cricket.
The best time to visit is in spring or early summer when the wildflowers like orchids and lilies are out in full show. The Roachdale Nature Trail brochure available at the entrance to the Reserve and from the National Trust Head Office will help guide you around a walking track showing points of interest. A pdf is also available to download below . The walk is about 1.5 km long, with gentle slopes, allow 1 hour to do the loop.
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**Please note: Dogs are not allowed in this reserve
Weekend Notes article 14 September 2018
National Trust Reserves you need to visit.