INTO news
INTO President walks the talk..
In mid-September this year Simon Molesworth, who has been in recent years the ACNT International Affairs Ambassador and who had previously served for 21 years on the ACNT Board with five of those years as Chairman, is going to walk 120 km of the Camino Inglés – St.James’ Way – over five days from the port of Ferrol on the northern coast of Galicia in Spain to the World Heritage listed medieval city of Santiago de Compostela in order to create global public awareness of the work of INTO and the absolute necessity to raise funds for INTO in order for it to be able to continue to carry out its global work. This “English Way” was mostly used by pilgrims from Northern Europe, Britain and Ireland since the mid-12th Century and is characterized by ancient towns and undulating green countryside – which forms part of the World Heritage listing of the Route itself, comprising 166 towns and villages, including over 1,800 buildings of historic interest.
At each leg of the walk, Simon and his INTO colleagues will be joined by local Galicians who will highlight the heritage and environmental issues of the districts through which they pass. The INTO walkers are to be greeted by the mayors and citizens of each town they enter for civic ceremonies to raise the profile of their conservation issues. Further, in order to leave a lasting commemoration of the INTO Walk whilst concurrently improving the environment, as Simon and his INTO companions traverse the countryside 2,000 trees are to be planted.
Please click here to read the full article on the INTO website