national tas
When: Sunday, 30 October 2022 – 3pm Where: Franklin House 413 Hobart Road, Youngtown, 7249 Cost: Free Bookings: For the purposes of catering please RSVP by Tuesday 25 October 2022 or call (03) 6344 6233 email: AGM Documents: 2022 Agenda: 2022 AGM Agenda 30 OCTOBER 2022 2022 Chairman’smore
national wa
National Trust of Western Australia President Max Kay Cit WA said this year’s Festival theme, Having a Voice, acknowledges the 50th anniversary of the 1967 referendum enabling Aboriginal people to be subject to commonwealth laws and counted in the national census. “Community groups across the state have also embraced the theme tomore
national wa
A National Trust team will lead the conservation of Ellensbrook, liaising closely with the Aboriginal and broader communities as well as business in the Margaret River region to ensure visitors can enjoy this very special place in sustainable ways. Environment Minister Albert Jacob said restoring the 1857 homestead andmore
national vic
The Victorian Government is helping to revitalise our much-loved Polly Woodside. Minister for Planning Richard Wynne announced that Polly Woodside will receive $500,000 from the Living Heritage Program. Ms Kristin Stegley OAM, Chairman of the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) said: Polly Woodside has welcomed many visitors and schools sincemore
Message from the Hon. Greg Hunt MP, Minister for the Environment I am pleased to be able to provide this message to you today for the National Trusts Education Heritage Conference at the National Museum in Canberra. Firstly, I apologise for not being there in person to deliver my message,more
national wa
The National Trust of Australia (WA) is seeking expressions of interest from project managers or project management consulting groups to deliver the first phase of this exciting culture and technology development initiative, working alongside leading resource industry partners and native title groups from the Pilbara. CLOSING TIME AND DATE: 5:30pmmore
national nsw
The National Trust of Australia (New South Wales) Pursuant to Rule 34 of the Rules of the National Trust of Australia (New South Wales) 1. Number of votes received for each candidate in order of the ballet paper: Mr. Brian Powyer – 929 Mrs. Kate Dezarnaulds – 1,119 Mr. Rajmore
national wa
As a statutory agency with regulatory powers, It Is essential the Heritage Council responds positively to community, private and government expectations as well as maintaining best practice in the protection of heritage places. In addition, heritage legislation and Its implementation must also support the role of stakeholders including local governmentmore
national wa
The Conservation Heritage Awards celebrate the success of owners, architects and builders who have recently completed a restoration/renovation of a heritage building or an infill development in a heritage streetscape, and contribute to the social heritage of Fremantle and East Fremantle A National Trust of Australia (WA) property with conservationmore
national vic
Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries Costume Exhibition Launches at Rippon Lea Estate To coincide with the airing of Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries Series 3 on ABC on Friday 8 May 2015, the Honourable Miss Phryne Fisher, television’s most elegant lady detective, returns to Rippon Lea Estate at part of the Nationalmore
The “Realizing the Potential – Northern Tasmania’s Heritage Assets” Project had its origins in discussions between Tourism Tasmania, Northern Tasmania Development and the National Trust of Australia (Tasmania) about the important contribution that heritage makes to Tasmania’s and in particular Northern Tasmania’s tourism appeal.
national nsw
National Trust of Australia (NSW) says the sale of 293 heritage buildings in Millers Point is the most devastating attack on Australia’s nationally significant heritage since The Rocks were saved in the 1960s. National Trust of Australia (NSW) CEO Brian Scarsbrick warns rare heritage – some buildings dating back tomore
national vic
Embark on a journey of discovery and surprise through artist Rod McCrae’s cutting edge Wunderkammer Exhibition, exploring human interaction with nature through the use of ethically sourced taxidermied animals, at the National Trust’s Tasma Terrace from Thursday 5 February to Thursday 30 April 2015. Download the media releasemore
national wa
Year 4-6 Joint Photo Winner: Sunset Siblings by Monet Simmons of North Cottesloe Primary School These are just some examples of places students chose to feature in a competition aimed at encouraging them to appreciate WA’S natural and built heritage. The National Trust of Western Australia’s annual Valuing Ourmore
national nsw
Following from The National Trust of Australia (New South Wales) Annual General Meeting on Saturday 29 November 2014 download the Certificate as to the results of 2014 Directors’ Election. more
national nsw
Filmed at the historic Saumarez Homestead in Armidale, NSW, the ‘Forever Begins Tonight’ video saw The McClymonts team with the Armidale Dumaresq Council and an entire cast and crew of local talent, including Director Ben Abbott. “We loved shooting in Armidale”, said Sam McClymont, ”everyone was so nice and itmore
national wa
Wanslea, Cottesloe Read about our work. Premier Colin Barnett and distinguished guests celebrate the opening of the new Cancer Wellness Centre at Wanslea, Cottesloe. Photo Sarah Murphy “The National Trust has done an excellent job at taking a heritage building and giving it a new life,” Mr Barnettmore
national vic
This event marks the beginning of the planting phase of the Gallipoli Oaks Project, a key part of the Anzac Centenary commemorations by the National Trust of Australia (Victoria). The seedling to be planted by the Governor-General, a Quercus coccifera (also known as the Kermes Oak), has an incredible provenancemore
national vic
Courtroom drama to raise awareness on sexting Parliamentary Secretary for Education, Mr Clem Newton-Brown, and the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) will together launch a public education program to raise awareness among metropolitan schools on the issue of sexting, the act of transferring explicit material and self-taken images on Mondaymore
national wa
All eyes were skyward at the Old Perth Observatory, home to the National Trust of Australia(WA) on Wednesday 8 October. The full moon eclipse provided a spectacle in the eastern sky for approximately an hour. The moon rose at 6.19 pm and about a hundred visitors enjoyed privileged viewsmore
national tas
Sunday 19 October 2014 Commencing at 2.00pm Penitentiary Chapel Historic Site Cnr. Brisbane & Campbell Streets, Hobart The general nature of business to be transacted will be to receive and adopt the Balance Sheet & Accounts for the year ended 30 June 2014, to receive the Annual Report, to announcemore