National Trust endorses Community Charter for Good Planning in NSW

The National Trust has endorsed the Community Charter for Good Planning in NSW and invites you to the launch of the Charter on Thursday 11 September, 6.30pm in Newcastle.

This Charter has been developed and endorsed by a range of public interest organisations, including the Better Planning Network, the National Trust of Australia (NSW), the Nature Conservation Council of NSW, the National Parks Association of NSW, Our land Our Water Our Future, the International Council of Monuments and Sites (Australia ICOMOS), the Total Environment Centre and the Inner Sydney Regional Council For Social Development.

The launch will be held on Thursday, 11 September 6.30pm at Wesley Hall, 150 Beaumont St, Hamilton.

Speakers include Bev Smiles (Impacts of the Coal Industry), John Mackenzie (Planning and infrastructure in Newcastle) and Geoff Evans (Planning or no planning at all in Newcastle)