Council awarded $1.97 million for Cox Creek restoration

Adelaide Hills Council has been awarded $1.97 million in funding for major works to restore
Cox Creek in Bridgewater.

The partnership project will protect and improve the creek’s ecological values. Key activities
include removal of woody weeds, stabilisation of eroding streambanks, and riparian
restoration through revegetation with native species.

The project is funded by the Australian Government’s Natural Heritage Trust, under the
Urban Rivers and Catchments Program which is restoring the health of urban waterways for
the benefit of native species and local communities.

The project incorporates 6km of Cox Creek from Mount George Conservation Park to
Engelbrook Reserve. It is supported by the Adelaide Hills Council and stakeholders including
Bridgewater Friends of Cox Creek, Trees For Life, Arbury Park Outdoor School, National
Parks and Wildlife, Friends of Mount George, National Trust South Australia and National
Trust volunteers, Bridgewater Inn and a number of private landholders.

National Trust of South Australia involvement is related to improving the habitat value of the

watercourse and riparian vegetation for the Englebrook Reserve 2024 – 2028,

for which a total proposed amount of $187,000 has been allocated.  The project needs to be

completed by 28/2/2028, however there may be some extension to this end date.