Book Lover’s Day

17 Sep 2023 ‐

17 Sep 2023

11:00 am ‐ 4:00 pm

Adult: $5.00

Concession: $4.00

Children: Free


Heritage on Sunday 2023

For one day only visitors will have the opportunity to see the Museums significant book collection.

This vintage collection is held in controlled stored conditions. From children’s annuals, medicinal journals, cook books and hymnals, many were award gifts to our pioneer citizens.

Passages from books will bring to life items in the collection.

Come along and enjoy this unique display, take time to browse through an old book or two.

Explore twelve rooms in the building, four display pavilions, blacksmith, police cell, laundry and the charming garden.

Sausage Sizzle and Devonshire Tea will be available and the gift shop is stocked with unique craft.

*Also a chance to buy a book.


0431 080 062