The Clyde Oyster … a Tale of Two Valves
'I weep for you,' the Walrus said: 'I deeply sympathize.' With sobs and tears he sorted out those of the largest size.' An activity replicated over many thousands of years all over the world. Delicate (and delicious) the Sydney Rock oyster connects daily life along the Clyde River.
A tale of two valves shares the story of the Sydney Rock oyster in its happiest home – the Clyde River.
Busily filtering up to 40 litres a day of pristine waters, the life of the harvested oyster reveals some surprising personal characteristics. Connecting the history of our local oyster farmers to this once prolific little animal we roam from contemporary cocktails and heritage recipes, through the impact of immigrant growers, to traditional and state of the art sustainable techniques.
The Oyster is to the Clyde River what the canary was to old coal miners in determining environmental factors indicating not death, hopefully, but public health issues related to impurities in the water.
Join us for tastings, photo opportunities, salty tales and more, as you follow its economic success story from “cheap as chips and everywhere” to cultivated international best seller.