Parramatta Female Factory Special Talk: Elizabeth FulloonPARRAMATTA FEMALE FACTORY FRIENDS Inc.

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Parramatta Female Factory Special Talk: Elizabeth Fulloon

In 1824, how did a London schoolmaster's wife find herself appointed as the first female Superintendent at the Parramatta Female Factory? And did her actions really lead to the infamous riot of 1827?

Join us as we learn about Elizabeth Fulloon, described by Governor Darling as a woman of 'extraordinary bodily strength and energy of character', who rose to the challenge of managing such a complex female convict institution at Parramatta from 1824- 1827 - the Parramatta Female Factory!

As you enter the National Heritage listed Female Factory site, you will be captivated by the sandstone walls and the prevailing quiet. You will be eager to discover the many secrets hidden here! The story of the convict women, their children and their keepers, is a fascinating one and full of drama!

Or guest speaker, Heather Garnsey is a direct descendant of Matron Fulloon and is best known for her work as executive officer of the Society of Australian Genealogists (SAG) for 35 years. Heather was recognised with the AFFHO Award for Meritorious Service to family history in 2015 and is an Honorary Member and Fellow of SAG. After retiring in 2020, Heather is enjoying having time to research her own family.

After the Talk, you can relax, meet with descendants and share a cuppa.

Event date

Event Details

5 Fleet Street, North Parramatta, New South Wales

Free Shuttle bus from Macquarie Street, Parramatta to the Parramatta Leagues Club in O'Connell Street. Then take a short walk up to Fennell Street and turn right down Fleet Street. Take the second gate on the left. Look for the Banners!


Friday 19th April, 1pm - 2.15pm including afternoon tea

Entry fees:
Adults $ 5, Members $ 5
Prebooking required
Attendance limit:
Less than 50
Onsite facilities:
Other things
you need to know:
No parking onsite. Limited on street parking