Family Friendly Heritage ToursShire of Manjimup / Manjimup Historical Society

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Family Friendly Heritage Tours

Join this family friendly tour of the Hamlet and explore what it was like to settle in a small timber town. A fun and interactive way for families to engage with histories and compare the ye old days to their modern way of living.

Join this family friendly tour of the Hamlet and explore what it was like to settle in a small timber town. Tour guide is a well versed and well engaged local and comes with exercises targeted towards school aged children. A fun and interactive way for families to engage with histories and compare the ye old days to their modern way of living.

Event dates

Event Details

151 Giblett Street, MANJIMUP, WA

Tours will be conducted from 1pm to 2.30pm each day

Entry fees:
By donation
Prebooking requiredinfo@manjimupwa.com97711831
Attendance limit:
Onsite facilities: