A triangular (3.3 ha) nature reserve of natural Mallee scrub, plants, native animals and birds.
One of the few left in Central and Northern Yorke Pensinsula. Forms a link in a chain of such havens for plants, native animals and birds. The upper storey has several species of mallee Eucalyptus and a good diversity of sclerophyllous shrubs in the understorey. The ground layer is dominated by sedges and is rich in orchids.
First donated to the NTSA in 1973 by Mr & Mrs Colin Gardener, the freehold title was transferred in 1988. It was placed under Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement by NTSA in 1989.
Volunteers have worked tirelessly to bring the Bridal Creeper under control on the reserve.
Working bees are held at the reserve as required. Further information on the program can be obtained by contacting the Natural Heritage Manager.