The giant statue of Colin Firth in his iconic role as Mr. Darcy in BBC television series Pride and Prejudice has settled into its new home at Rippon Lea House & Gardens as part of the National Trust of Victoria’s Love, Desire & Riches exhibition, currently on show until September 30 2014.
Standing at a bold 3.5 metres, or just under two regular-sized Colin Firths, the statue replicates the iconic ‘wet-shirt scene’ from the BBC adaption of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and is placed in the lake in Rippon Lea Gardens.
“The statue was acquired through the National Trust UK, where it was originally placed in London’s Hyde Park Serpentine Lake before making the trip down under,” said Drew Grove, Commercial Manager for National Trust Victoria.
“The Mr. Darcy statue is the perfect fit for our Love, Desire & Riches exhibition and provides a glimpse into the world of Jane Austen and the many gowns on display at Rippon Lea.”
The Love, Desire & Riches exhibition explores the significant fashion pieces of wedding couture from the 18th to 21st century. Notable pieces on display include Princess Marie Chantel of Greece’s ivory silk Valentino gown, pieces from one of Australia’s most prominent contemporary fashion designers Akira Isogawa and much loved Australian designer Collette Dinnigan, and the iconic wedding dress worn by Kylie Minogue during her wedding to Scott (Jason Donovan) on hit television show Neighbours.
Find out more about the Love, Desire & Riches exhibition at Rippon Lea House and Gardens from 1 July to 30 September 2014.