Heroes of Traditional Trades Photographic Competition 2017

Australia ICOMOS, in conjunction with National Skills Week, SkillsOne Television, the National Trust of South Australia and the International Specialised Skills Institute, is holding a digital photographic ‘Heroes of Traditional Trades’ competition to record individuals involved with traditional trades, crafts or other practices.

Entrants are required to send a photograph or photographs of tradespeople or craftspeople in the act of carrying out their traditional trade or craft that contributes to the conservation of a place of heritage significance in Australia, or results in a finished product.

Entries must be received by email to info@skillsone.com.au by 4pm Tuesday 08 August 2017. The shortlisted images, subjects and photographers will be announced on 16 August 2017, and winners will be announced at a National Skills Week function.


Further information

National Skills Week

Heroes of Traditional Trades Photographic Competition

Australia ICOMOS Vision for Traditional Trades in Australia

Australia ICOMOS Fabric Conservation Reference Group

Heritage Trades Skills Report, Construction and Property Services Industry Skills Council (CPSISC), August 2012.

Heritage Trades and Professional Training Project Report, prepared for Heritage Victoria on behalf of the Heritage Chairs and Officials of Australia and New Zealand, 2010.

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