Presented by the Millicent National Trust.
On the evening of 6 April, the Millicent National Trust Museum will be having their Murder at the Museum event for the seventh year in a row.
Tour guides lead groups through the museum buildings where they are met with a variety of characters ad-libbing their way through questions asked by the quests in an endeavour to solve the murder.
This year’s murder mystery theme revolves around a busy country hospital where the famous plastic surgeon Doctor Black has been busy with his patients performing all sorts of miracles and improving the self-esteem of all the patients. He is a very creative plastic surgeon and finds ways around any issues (sometimes by way of unethical means but mostly through his professionalism). He was recently found slumped over his desk and on further examination he appears to have been murdered. Sergeant Blue is investigating the crime after the findings from the Coroner and several leads from the police.
Enjoy the tour and have fun guessing the culprit! Vote and you may win a prize!