The four committees of the National Trust of South Australia play an advisory role in preserving and promoting the state’s heritage.

Audit, Finance and Governance Committee

The Audit, Finance and Governance Committee (AFGC) assists Council with meeting its fiducial obligations through the monitoring and management of NTSA finances, investments, governance and audit requirements.

James Harvey (CHAIR)
Millie Nicholls (President)
Chris Guille (Councillor)
Jo Lokan (Councillor)
Vivienne Pitman (Councillor)
George Hobbs
Deborah Morgan

Cultural, Heritage Advisory Committee

The Cultural, Heritage Advisory Committee (CHAC) provides comment on Commonwealth, State and Local Government policies and projects affecting the heritage of the State and proposes actions to Council for approval where relevant. It also develops policies and strategies for conservation.

Paul Leadbeter (CHAIR)
Tully Brookes (Councillor)
Elaine Davies (Councillor)
Di WIlkins (Councillor)
Brett Bowden
David Ellis
George Hobbs
Peter Langhans
Deborah Morgan
Kevin O’Leary
Mark Staniforth
Sandy Wilkinson

Members, Regions and Branches Committee

The Members, Regions and Branches Committee (MRBC) is composed of NTSA Branch representatives and serves as a vital link between regional interests and State Office, ensureing that the perspective of Branches are taken into account in decision making processes.

Alison Stillwell (CHAIR)
Chris Guille (Councillor)
Jo Lokan (Councillor)
Catherine Peacock (Councillor)
Robert Randall
Josephine Robinson
Mark Staniforth
Gill Starks

Natural Heritage Advisory Committee

The Natural Heritage Advisory Committee (NHAC) oversees the management of the NTSA nature reserves across the state. The Committee advises on broader natural heritage issues.

James Harvey (CHAIR)
Paul Leadbeter (Councillor)
Andrew Crompton
Anne Brown
Anne Jensen
Simon Lewis
Adrian Shackley
Kim Thompson