The Longford community is battling a 24-HR Heavy Truck refueling depot at the gateway to this significant Northern Midlands town. This facility that could be better located in line with State Planning policy to locate heavy traffic away from residential areas.
The people of Longford, one of Tasmania’s most important historic towns, are battling a proposal to install a 24-HR Heavy Truck refueling depot in the gateway to their town on Tannery Road.
Longford was established in 1813 and is one of the most important and beautiful Georgian villages in Australia. It is rich in built heritage with more than 50 buildings included on the Tasmanian Heritage Register. It is the home of two UNESCO World Heritage Sites – the Brickendon and Woolmers estates.
Longford is highly regarded for its natural and agricultural landscapes and is one of the greatest gardening regions in Australia. It is an important tourist destination, with tourism as the region’s second most important industry after agriculture. It leverages its tourism assets through Longford Blooms open gardens weekend, held annually, where private gardens are open to the public.
The proposed site for the heavy truck refueling depot on Tannery Road itself includes the adjacent heritage-listed Kingsley House (c1873), a Bicentennial avenue of trees, rose garden, post and rail fencing and part of the historic Mill Dam circular walking trail.
The proposed 24-HR Heavy Truck refueling depot contravenes State Planning policy to locate heavy traffic away from residential areas. The proposed Tannery Road site poses safety risks:
* Potential for refueling depot traffic to back up to the roundabout at the entry to Longford
* Elevated roads with steep shoulders offering the potential for trucks leaving the standard road width to roll over.
The Longford community has been fighting hard against the proposal for almost 18 months, with two onsite protests and a public meeting with more than 350 people in attendance. They are taking the issue all the way to State Parliament, requesting that both the Department of State Growth Access Permit and the Planning Permit for the proposal be withdrawn on the basis of safety, traffic congestion, heritage and the development being contrary to State Planning Policy.
The siting of a 24-Hour Truck Refueling Depot on Tannery Road will destroy the ambience and sense of arrival at the historic town of Longford. The National Trust of Australia (Tasmania) supports the community of Longford in its efforts to push for the depot to be built in a more appropriate location elsewhere outside the town with more suitable locations including:
* the Powranna Biosecurity Truck Wash
* The Midland Highway with large parcels of crown land at the exit ramp at Perth
* The exit ramp from the Bass Highway onto Illawarra Road at Carrick.
* The crown land at the truck bays on Illawarra Road west of the Longford roundabout.
The government can provide long-term leases on Crown land.