Unearthing lost history: an afternoon in Camden Library

Join us for an afternoon of unearthing lost history at Camden Library. Dr Ian Willis OAM will present a talk on Death in training at the Liverpool Field Hospital in early 1915 and Jo O'Brien from Camden Area Family History Society will present an informative talk on Digging up the past with TROVE.

Death on the battlefield is expected, yet the death of new recruits to the army in 1915 sent a shock across the country.

Dr Ian Willis will examine the public outcry and subsequent Royal Commission about the abysmal conditions at the Liverpool Field Hospital. These conditions were first recognised by volunteers from the newly formed Red Cross, which assisted where possible. The military authorities were ill-prepared for war and overwhelmed by the conditions at the Liverpool Military Camp and the conflict’s early months. This story also examines the groundbreaking role of the Red Cross in Australia after its formation in 1914 and its interaction with the military authorities in Australia in the early months of the war.

Jo O’Brien will then engage the audience with an informative talk on the use of TROVE in researching family history.

The afternoon will include a catered afternoon tea.

Please join us at Camden Library!

Event date

Event Details

40 John Street, Camden, New South Wales

Nearby parking.


12.30pm - 3.30pm

Entry fees:
Prebooking requiredhttps://library.camden.nsw.gov.au/events/
Onsite facilities: