Join a Central Canberra Geotrail

How did Canberra’s landscapes evolve? This self-drive, all-day, guided geological excursion around the Central Canberra Geotrail will tell us a lot about the history of the region’s landscapes: National Rock Garden, Black Mountain, Mount Ainslie, Woolshed Creek, and State Circle.

Around the Central Canberra Geotrail you will see fossils at Woolshed Creek near Duntroon discovered by the “Father of Australian Geology”, learn what a geological unconformity is that you may drive past every day, and inspect some very old Precambrian rocks from Western Australia that tell us when oxygen formed in the Earth’s atmosphere. Was Canberra really near the equator 400 million years ago? Can you see the oldest rock outcrop in Canberra next to the freeway to Gungahlin? Come and join us on an excursion during the 2025 Canberra Heritage Festival in April when members of the Geological Society of Australia will explain all.

Event dates

Event Details

National Arboretum Canberra, Canberra, ACT

Start at the National Rock Garden near the National Arboretum Canberra village center, 9:30am Sunday 20 April or Sunday 27 April.


Sunday 20 April 9:30am to 4 pm
Sunday 27 April 9:30am to 4 pm

Entry fees:
Attendance limit:
Onsite facilities: