Registering for the Australian Heritage Festival connects you with likeminded organisations and individuals across the nation.

By hosting an event, you’re providing new opportunities for the community to access heritage across the nation, and help us to position heritage as important, enriching, valuable and worth celebrating for all.

Registration is now open for the 2025 festivities.


Who can I speak to for any questions?

Each state has a dedicated festival coordinator to assist with any queries along the way. You can find their contact information here.


What support does the National Trust provide for participating event organisers?

You can expect:

  • A dedicated listing on the Australian Heritage Festival website which attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors each year looking for heritage events near them (signature events or events with ‘something special’ will receive additional support)
  • Social media promotion
  • Exposure through PR campaigns promoting the Australian Heritage Festival through broadcast, print, and online media

And access to…

Related content section

Organiser Toolkit

Find out more about key Festival dates around Australia, uncover the theme (we select a new one each year!) and get some handy tips on how to register your Australian Heritage Festival event(s).


Brand Assets

Want to create your own promotional assets to help spread the word? Access the Australian Heritage Festival and National Trust logos, as well as the Australian Heritage Festival Style Guide.

Event submission questions

Please submit your registration form in one go. There is no opportunity to save and return to it later.

How to effectively plan your event