Our latest book reviews

Deciding what to read next or are you getting ready for Christmas? Our community have spent time jotting down their thoughts on the books they’ve recently read.



Review by Barbara, Volunteer at Cooma Cottage

“A really good read for anyone interested in Australian History. It details the life of Esther, her relationship with George Johnston, who became for a brief time, Lieutenant Governor of NSW, and the lives of their associates. Esther’s rise from convict to ‘First Lady’, and her subsequent marriage to George Johnston was unusual for a convict. She had a child, Rosanna, prior to her relationship with George Johnston, and they had several children together, leaving a legacy of land development and prosperity, particularly in the Annandale area of Sydney. Johnston Street Annandale is named after George Johnston.”



Book Of Trees

The Big Book of Australian Trees

Review by W.S., age 7, National Trust supporter

“I love this book because it’s all about Australian trees. The paintings of trees are great too. My favourite is the Spotted Gum. There is one called ‘Old Blotchy’ in Queensland and it is over 500 years old! I didn’t know that!”




Collective Nouns

101 Collective Nouns

Review Arthur, age 9, National Trust supporter

“This book has great illustrations and has lots of interesting and funny collective nouns. My favourite being ‘a shiver of sharks’. Altogether this book uses great words and is a fun read.”





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